Academy Feature: G-Force Jiu-jitsu

G-Force Jiu-jitsu is a new academy that is located in San Jose, California that offers the best in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu instruction. Starting in October of 2010, the name of the school originates from an old 80’s animated cartoon show that is about five futuristic Ninja Scientists fighting evil. When it comes to the vision for a school, it evolves around the idea of training specialist. Everyone is different each with their own different attributes, levels of skill, and techniques that fit to their body and make up their game. Similar to team that makes up G-Force.


At G-Force you will learn solid fundamental jiu-jitsu with detailed instruction on how to control your opponent from the top and bottom position, while moving through a hierarchy of moves while looking for the opportunity to finish the fight. With years of experience, the instructor Dave Camarillo black belt John Berris is the dream instructor any student could ask for. The passion, dedication, and enthusiasm he brings to each class is off the charts which helps create a positive, fun, and safe learning environment for all.
The classes consist of a quick warm up, followed by an hour of detailed instruction, and concluding with a 30 minute live sparring session in which John Berris himself participates in with the students. The overall goal for each class is to ensure that after a long day of training you can walk away feeling you’ve learned a lot and had a great workout. On the competition side of things although it is not required John strongly encourages all of his students to compete in hopes of increasing their BJJ skills. From his experience John believes winning is not the most important thing in competition. It’s the act of competing that is important because win or lose the result is leaps in your overall jiu-jitsu game.
In all whether it’s learning the move of the day or preparing for a competition, G-Force is a school that demonstrates hard work and dedication at whatever they put their mind to. Overall a group that is committed to their training and to their cause. As the school continues to grow John is looking forward to assisting all of his students with their future endeavors through their journey in the sport.
Be on the lookout for this rising team in the near future!



G-Force Jiu-Jitsu
970 South Bascom
San Jose, CA 95128

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