Australian Girls In Gi is an Australian organization dedicated to promoting the sport of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for women. The largest women’s BJJ group in the world and will be hosting their 4th training camp on Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th of February. This year the goal is to continue be the WORLDS LARGEST FEMALE ONLY GRAPPLING CAMP with over 100 girls attending.
This is a wonderful opportunity to train with some top female athletes, learn new skills, meet new friends & generally have the greatest girls grappling weekend of all time, all in the Land Down Under in the Summer time!
The camp will be run by Australia’s first female black belt, Sophia McDermott Drysdale. She is a highly experienced athlete and competitor who is a multiple time State, National, Pan Pacific, Pan American and No Gi Worlds Champion who has had many years of teaching under her belt, through Gymnastics coaching, Personal Training and teaching BJJ classes and seminars.
Australian Girls In Gi Camp IV is an all inclusive non stop action packed weekend of female grappling for women of all shapes and sizes, all experience levels (yes that means YOU!), all clubs and affiliations from anywhere in the world & all ages.
For more information please visit: