To listen to the show, click here:http://carsonscorner.podomatic.comDue to an unprecedented volume of listener email directed to recent guest Dan Quinn, we have decided to ask the man himself to come back and provide the answers that you want.
People always find a lot to be entertained and enlightened by when Dan shows up, and this episode should be no exception. Tune in to hear “The Saint of Stevia” respond to some of YOUR feedback about his cold fission process, mixing stevia with powerade and other water substitutes, being “touched by God” and much more. It’s another Quinn classic!
As well as talking to Dan, Bob brings to light some rumors about the recent Clifton vs. Shamrock fight, analyzes Antonio Margarito’s dirty handwraps suspension and the problems with UFC 97, then answers some of your listener e-mail.
To listen to the show, click here: