Carson’s Corner Podcast: Jeff Monson responds to Brian Stann’s controversial comments and more…

Carson’s Corner Podcast – Part I: Jeff Monson responds to Stann controversy, his last Strikeforce bout against Daniel Cormier and more –


Monson responds to Brian Stann’s recent comments suggesting Monson should stop complaining about the U.S. or move to Mexico…


Direct link here: 


Did you ever see the movie "The Snowman”? In it, the "snow-man" of the title transports a young and impressionable child to a mystical commune-type paradise where members of the snowpulation live in relative peace and harmony, dancing the night away together with no obvious system of currency or ownership to limit their potential.


(SPOILER) The snowman dies at the end. But what if he didn’t? What if we could all be like the snowman, living in peace? This could be the first step towards that vision of utopia, as living MMA contender Jeff "The Snowman" Monson joins hall-of-fame host Bob "The Thriller" Carson for the most insightful and original discussion of personal and social politics the MMA world has witnessed thusfar!


Tune in to hear Monson respond directly to war hero Brian Stann, who recently opined that Jeff should be made to live in Mexico for his dissent about U.S. domestic and foreign policy. Has Captain Stann failed to understand the nuanced worldview Monson holds? Who wins in a hypothetical matchup with or without Stann’s M-16?


Monson has always been one of the most interesting personalities of his era in MMA and this interview sees both host and guest in excellent form. Who fixes the sewers in an anarchic state? Is that a contradiction? Are all of Monson’s fight outcomes determined by his ability to secure the takedown? Has he marketed himself and his beliefs in a potentially hypocritical way? Neither man holds anything back in this immensely enjoyable conversation.


Afterwards, hear analyst Bob Carson discuss the potential Toney vs. Shamrock fight, the arrest of Brett Rogers and more!


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