Fighters make weight for WOCS 8

It happened this Friday in Brazil, the official weigh-ins of Watch Out Combat Show 8 (WOCS 8). The fighters were weighed-in with Fernando Paulon and Viscardi Andrade set to headline the main event of the card, which takes place tonight at the Flamengo Rowing Club in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


Check the full card below:


Rodrigo Ratinho vs. Bruno Emília

Francisco D´Branco vs. Dangelo

Fernando Bruno vs. Alan Chatuba

Rogério Paraíba vs. Matheus

Gustavo Coelho vs. Claudiere Freitas

Antonio Roberto vs. Atila Lourenço

Henrique Chocolate vs. Rodrigo Ximbica  

Fernando Paulon vs. Viscardi Andrade

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