"Never been in so good form in my life", explained Rafael Feijão minutes before start his last training before Strikeforce. The excitement of the fighter was proven in training that we followed in Houston.
Commanded by Josuel Distak and Rogério Camões, and with the aid of Tonico Jr and Roberto Corvo, the training had Feijão, Ronaldo Jacaré and Andre Galvão simulating five rounds of five minutes, just as in the clashes of Feijão and Jacaré on Saturday, valid for the belt.
With god gas, without injury and no problems with balance, the fighters filled with pride Camões, pleased with the way in which they arrive at the event.
"This is all the result of a great plan that we did with Distak, because we work together so the fighters arrive in better shape on the day of the fight. Recent months were very hard for us, but it was done a great job. They are all very well", explained Camões.