July in Brazil sees the prestigious annual jiu-jitsu tournaments, the Rio Open 2011 & International Masters and Seniors. Melyssa Adams of Canada, Gareth Mc of Ireland and Johnattan Porcenat of New York, USA – all blue belt Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioners – signed up for a chance to compete in the tournament. John entered the Rio Open, while Gareth and Melyssa fought in the Masters. Get a taste of their experiences of competing at the historic Tijuca Tenis Clube in Brazil in this revealing video. If you want to visit Brazil to compete or train in Rio, we recommend using the services of Connection Rio, Brazil’s number one provider of accommodation and training for BJJ practitioners.
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Manto Clothing — http://www.mantofight.com
Connection Rio — http://www.ConnectionRio.com
BJJ Hacks — http://www.BJJHacks.com
Camera / Editing: Hywel Teague
Director / Executive producer: Dennis Asche