All posts in " Carlson Gracie "

Around the World Drill BJJ Drill by Pete The Greek Rio Jiu Jitsu

By Scotty OTM / January 20, 2015

Pete The Greek is world renowned for his ability to break down the most complicated techniques into series of movements and then creating drills for each movement. He is a Carlson Gracie black belt who lived in Brazil for many years training with many different schools. He currently has a BJJ School in Chicago and […]


TBT Ryan Gracie vs Walid Ishmael Report

By Scotty OTM / August 28, 2014

Throw Back Thursday!  The Eye Witness Report of Ryan Gracie Vs. Walid Ishmael Fight From Pepe Beach in Rio de Janeiro This was an epic time in Rio.  Vale Tudo was at is zenith and there was a lot of tension between the Carlson Gracie and Carlos Gracie Barra Gracie sides of the family.  At […]