Pre-registration discount ends at 11:59pm on Wednesday, September 26th! Registration link is below. Don’t delay, register today!
World Grappling Games and On The Mat are proud to present the 1st Annual ‘Quest for the Best” Grappling Championships which will be held at the World Class Las Vegas Convention Center on September 29, 2007.
Grappling has quickly become one of the fastest growing sports and it seems like everyone wants grappling to be a part of their event. For the first time ever a grappling competition will share the Las Vegas Convention Center with the Mr. Olympia competition.
As we’ve witnessed this year with the first ever Grappling World Championships held in Antalya, Turkey, grappling has earned the respect it’s due and is on its way to becoming an Olympic Sport.
Click on the link below to read an article from the U.S. Olympic Team website where the following quote was taken:
“We are really excited to see the Grappling community come together and give the athletes an opportunity for world recognition and work toward a common goal of joining the Olympic family,” said Ryan Gregg of the World Grappling Games.
http://www.usolympicteam.com/11652_51 71 5.htm
As more evidence of grappling’s immense popularity, the Disney Martial Arts Festival has now added Sport Grappling to its martial arts line up, and World Grappling Games is proud to have been selected as the tournament organization that will host Disney’s Sport Grappling event.
Quest for the Best will be a qualifier for the ‘Disney Martial Arts Festival” Sport Grappling event to be held in Orlando, Florida on October 28-29, 2007 at the Disney Wide World of Sports, for which the medal winners of each division will earn an automatic seeding.
All previous medal winners from this year’s World Grappling Games tournaments will also be receiving letters of invitation to the Disney event in October. Winners will be placed directly in the finals and therefore will not be required to compete their way up to the finals at the Disney event. For more information on the ‘Disney Martial Arts Festival” Sport Grappling event taking place on the weekend of October 28-29, please visit the link below:
http://disneyworldsports.disney.go.co m/dwws /en_US/martialarts/events/detail? name=MartialArtsFestival2007EventInfo Event DetailPage
On a different note, NBC executives are expected to be at Quest for the Best to scout out possible cast members for its reincarnation of their hit television series ‘American Gladiators’, which has been announced by NBC to air in 2008.
The nationally syndicated show was a hit from the late 80’s until the mid 90’s and featured contestants competing against each other, as well as against the show’s own ‘Gladiators’ in contests of strength and agility. American Gladiators are expected to be on hand to sign autographs, so bring the kids and expect to have a good time.
Grapplers everywhere should be proud that our sport has received such wide spread recognition. So come out and support the 1st Annual ‘Quest for the Best’ Grappling Championships and let’s show the others what the excitement is all about.
Quest for the Best will take place on Saturday, September 29th from 10am until 5pm. Weigh-ins will start at 10am on Friday, September 28th at the OTM Fight Shop in Las Vegas. The weigh-ins will end at 7pm and will resume the morning of the event at 8am. Weigh-ins will close 2 hours BEFORE your division level is scheduled to compete. NO EXCEPTIONS
As always, we NEVER charge extra money for the Open Divisions or to compete in both the Masters, Executives & Adults divisions if it applies.
Nowhere in the world can you go and compete in a world class event with the highest quality Awards, Trained Referees and a Knowledgeable Staff for the price.
We will have a Kids division (10-12) years old, a Junior division (13-15) and a Teen division (16-17)
Whether you’re coming to Spectate or to Compete, we look forward to seeing you there!
PREREGISTRATION ENDS 11:59 pm, Wednesday, September 26th. After that you can still register to compete up until 9am the day of the event
Register today to save $20
Quest for the Best Grappling ChampionshipsCome to Fight or Come to Watch, Just Don’t Miss the Show!
The following information is available at http://grapplingtournaments.com or by downloading the event package. The link is below.
· Fees· How to Enroll· Coaches Registration Information· Weigh-in Locations and information· Tournament Schedule· Accommodations· Detailed Rules· Online Registration Form
3 ways to RegisterEnrollment (3 options) Pre-Registration:
1) Mail a signed Registration Form along with a money order or check made payable to: GTA Tournaments and mail to: 17424 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach, CA 92647 (Note: Mail-in registration must be postmarked no later than Monday, September 24th)
2) Register online: (Credit Card or Pay Pal) (Note: Online registration must be completed by Wednesday, September 26th)
3) Day before or day of Registration: Register at the weigh-in location ($20 late fee)Our Price: $75 Pre-registration, $95 Late Registration
Register NOW to save $20!!