The 2006 California Pankration Championships are scheduled for Sunday May 7th at Santa Ana College 1530 West 17th Street, Santa Ana, CA 92706.
We will have divisons for Kids, Teens and Adults. Pankration Competition is a combination of Submissions Grappling, Karate and Wrestling. Body strikes, Take downs and Submissions are allowed. We have a great track record on safety and two referees oversee each match. We promote sportmanship and safey above all else.
Registartion information will be up on our web site soon ( we are re-doing the site now) Please pre-register, we will allow only 8 competitors per weight/skill bracket. Some walk on competitors were turned away at the March 19th US Armed Forces Pankration Invitational because their bracket was full.
We are adding one extra skill divsion and weight class for adults ( Now Beg. – Inter – Adv. ) to make room for everyone.
The competition is open to all AMATEUR competitors regardless of style or school. Entry fee will be $40 and spectator fee $8 ( $5 school age youth). Door proceeds go to Santa Ana College Wrestling.
Here is what it looks like: