3 Robbers Thwarted by BJJ Blue Belt

3 Robbers Thwarted by BJJ Blue Belt

3 Robbers Thwarted by BJJ Blue Belt3 Robbers Bust a Homeowner’s Door Down. They Have No Idea What’s Waiting On the Other Side…

Three would-be robbers weren’t expecting this kind of reaction when they entered a Kansas City, Missouri, home to burglarize it last week.

According to KMBC-TV, the unnamed men expected that homeowner Nathan Engert would be at work on Tuesday — and not home sick with poison ivy.

The three were also unaware that Engert was an expert at Brazilian Jiu jitsu — or that Engert had security cameras installed throughout his house after someone else tried to rob him last year.

When the invaders saw Engert, they quickly ran to their car and fled the scene. Unfortunately for them, they were still caught on video. Engert told the station:

“I turned the corner and saw this 15-year-old kid… They were more surprised than I was. They were way more scared than I was.”
Nothing was stolen from Engert’s house; however, WDAF-TV reported that the would-be robbers damaged his front door during their break-in. Police also have DNA evidence from one of the intruders.

Engert noted that he wanted the video shared publicly not to draw out the burglars, but instead to teach others through the experience he had. He told KCMB:

“What I hope is, not so much to catch the guys — that would be great — but to help other people avoid this feeling. It is an awful feeling.”
At the time of this writing, no one had been arrested for the incident.


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