CAGE OF FIRE I“El Foro” Jai-Alai Sports Hall in Tijuana, MexicoSaturday April 22nd, 2006
From the promoters of Reto Maximo, Tony Perez and Juan Noriega, comes Cage Of Fire……the first ever professional Mixed Martial Arts / NHB event to be held in a cage in the city of Tijuana, Mexico.
Coming Saturday April 22nd, 2006 the landmark Jai-Alai Sports Hall recently remodeled into a special event / concert hall named “El Foro” will serve as venue to this grand event. Located in downtown Tijuana on Revolution Avenue the venue holds a capacity of over 3,000 people comfortably seated in a theater like setting.
Taking off with a bang… Cage Of Fire presents a 15 match card featuring fighters from both sides of the border. Among the myriad of top form and game athletes that will show case their combat skills in the cage fighting for victory stand outs in the card include Mike “El Verdugo” Seal, Don Rocco, Kyle Olsen, Greg White, Jesse Romero, Stacy Hakes, Gilbert Salinas, Cesar Vazquez, Brandon Gushiken, Scott Rose, Doug Ridinger, Joe Herrera, Omar Figueroa, Marco Soto, Antonio Duarte, and other fighters making their debut in a caged arena.
Cage Of Fire I – Saturday April 22nd, 2006“El Foro” on Revolution Ave. and 7th. Streetdowntown Tijuana, MexicoDoors open at 5:30 pm / Card at 7:00 pmTickets $20.00 / $40.00 / $60.00 / $80.00 dlls.Selling at venue and participating teams locations.
Phn. (619) 341.4643 USAPhn. (664) 675.4166 MexEmail: retomaximo@hotmail.comEmail: retomaximo2@gmail.com
El Foro (Jai-Alai Sports Hall) has its own parking providing security for your vehicle. Suggestion is to leave your vehicle on the US side of the border in San Ysidro, CA.MEXICOACH bus will bring you for $1.00 per person to Tijuana’s downtown station only a block away from the fight venue. Alternate option is walk across to Mexico. As you enter there are various transportation services available. Best option is Taxi Libre (Open Route Cab) service. Cabs are painted White & Red. Fare to La Mesa Inn (fighter’s hotel) or El Foro is no more than $5.00 dollars for 1 to 4 persons boarding the cab.
For Info, Tickets, and Fighter booking:Tony Perez & Juan NoriegaReto Maximo / Cage Of Fire – producersPhn (619) 341-4643 USAPhn (01152664) 675-4166 MEXEmail: retomaximo@hotmail.com