Cage Rage 18 – Ticket Presales

Hi Cage Rage fan!

Are you coming to our next big international ‘tear-up’, Cage Rage 18 – Battleground – Wembley Arena, Sat 30th Sept?

If so, we want you to have the best chance of a FRONT ROW SEAT !

We at Cage Rage Championships understand that our event is more than just the organisers, more than the venue, more than the fighters…….

It’s about the fans! It’s about YOU!

The continued growth in the popularity of our sport and Cage Rage Championships depends on our loyal fans who love nothing more than to follow the best British fighters and outstanding international bouts at Europe’s largest MMA event.

So to show our gratitude for your support, we have implemented a new policy – Confidential Presales of Premium Tickets.

For 7 days, prior to tickets going on sale to the general public, we are providing a confidential web address to just our database of loyal fans.

You can visit this site NOW and:

1st – View a plan of the Arena and see each Seating Block’s numbers and position

2nd – Chose the value of the ticket you want to purchase

3rd – Chose a Block number of that value ticket

4th – Secure a FRONT OR SECOND ROW seat in the Block of your choice (first come- first served basis)

Go on, do it NOW!

Pick your actual seat and make sure you have an ‘up close & personal’ view of the ground shaking, legend making action.

The confidential web address is:

If you do not want to use a debit or credit card, phone 0208 875 1855 to reserve your ticket/s

See you there.

Best regards,

The Cage Rage Championships Team

PS. Want a reminder of just our good Cage Rage tournaments are ? check this out:

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Cage Rage