The Fourth Eddie Bravo show will happen this weekend with the countdown show being drop earlier this weekend. At the forefront of the countdown show is Geo Martinez who is an Eddie Bravo black belt who and has won two EBI shows already. You get bravo himself hyping his student up for the big fourth show after beating multiple people by submission in his first two EBI tournaments.
Eddie Cummings was a semi-finalist in the third EBI show and is on the other side of the bracket opposite Martinez. He has some of the better heel hooks and leg locks out of anyone in the tournament and has been using them against multiple people in competition. We would be remiss not to mention the Berimbolo master himself Joao Miyao who while not primarily a No-Gi grappler, he has had success and just competed against Garry Tonon. Also, not he card will be Baret Yoshida a former No-Gi IBJJF world champion and EBI 2 semi-finalist. Other participants are in the 16 man tournament, plus there will be some interesting super fights for the fans in attendance. It will be live on Budo Videos and you can get tickets at