Nashville, Tennessee – Kru Daniel Crowson’s HEADSHOT Fitness clothing line.
Daniel Crowson is an animal, and the kind of guy that gets up at 4:30AM to run 5 miles, lifts weights like a madman everyday, and only puts pure training foods and supplements into his body. If you can survive one of his training sessions, you’ll know what pushing it to the limit means. He has transformed many beginners into fighting machines with his cardio workouts.
The Muay Thai/JKD/Kali instructor has found a way to connect his rugged training principles with his many years experience as a Graphic Artist.
As Daniels puts it, " We believe that our brand is very unique…and able to reach across many different genres…not just MMA".
Many Professional and Amateur competitors are wearing these classy but cool T-shirts, hats, hoodies, and much more.
Be sure to watch for the HEADSHOT brand clothing at your local shows and check them out at: http://headshotonline.net/WhoWeAre.htm