Carson’s Corner Podcast – "It hurts me to say it, but I’m part of the problem" Part II of Carson’s interview with Jeff Monson
To listen to the show, click here: http://carsonscorner.podomatic.com
Host Bob Carson’s first installment of the definitive Jeff Monson interview received attention from all over the world, including several mainstream news publications!
Now PART 2 of Jeff Monson’s appearance has been released, fans of MMA should tune in to hear Monson and Carson continue their in-depth discussion of issues ranging from the political to the personal and professional as two of the most interesting personalities in the game take things in a direction rarely heard on combat sports shows.
What does the oft-quoted anarchist really think of American society as it stands now, and how could it potentially be improved? Is his much misunderstood vision of a world without hierarchy attainable, even on a local level? What distinction should be drawn between patriotism and blind loyalty? How does he reconcile his anti-capitalist beliefs with taking money from corporations as forum members and detractors have often demanded to know? Monson is brutally honest yet intelligent and interesting as he responds to some of the most frequent criticisms of his personal philosophy and acknowledges his role in an imperfect system.
After the conversation with Jeff concludes, Carson turns his withering gaze towards the recent Haye vs. Klitschko fight and the world of combat sports in general. DON’T MISS IT!
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