The enigmatic Keith Sutton is this week’s guest onCarson’s Corner.
Keith Sutton has trained with the best and has therespect of some of the game’s most well-knownfighters. Listen to this show and you will hear Keithdiscuss his time training at the RAW Training Centerin California, his time working alongside Mac Danzigand John Marsh as a bouncer, coming up through theranks with Jason Maxwell, teaching himself to grappleby videotape, learning from Mikey Burnett and much,much more. You will find out the real back story onthe “Team Tolerance” internet hype and get Keith’sthoughts and views on a number of UFC fighters.
This week’s episode provides a great chance to get toknow a very talented fighter who has a matureperspective on MMA. You will gain a great deal ofrespect for Keith Sutton when you hear this interview.
In addition, Bob provides coverage of UFC 82,EliteXC’s big move to CBS and answers listener email.
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