Hergott Productions, Inc./Muffin Club Entertainment Inc. Files Lawsuit Against Multiple Parties Involved In “Never Submit” Movie
CORONA DEL MAR, Calif., May 16, 2007 – Hergott Productions, Inc./Muffin Club Entertainment Inc. President James Hergott announced today a lawsuit has been filed against Imperia Entertainment, Inc. (Pink Sheets: IPEI), Muller Media, Inc. (Pink Sheets: 1, 2005. In an email sent March 14, 2007 Mr. Eade admits to Mr. Hergott that he owes him the back pay stating, “We will, of course, make promptpayment of your back salary.” The funds however never materialized.
In addition to being CEO and Chairman of Imperia Entertainment, and Muller Media, Mr. Eade also serves as general counsel for the companies and has been suspended from law practice 13 times by theState Bar of California for various disciplinary infractions.http://members.calbar.ca.gov/search/member_detail.aspx?x=93774
If you wish to interview Mr. Hergott about the situation or wish to contact Hergott Productions please email Stephanie Johnson at hergottproductions@gmail.com.
Hergott Productions, Inc. projects include controlling interest in”All That I Need” (http://imdb.com/title/tt0439434/ ), released in theaters December 2005, and now being marketed for DVD distribution, “Brothers,” by James Hergott and Tarquin Gotch (“Home Alone”), and anumber of film and TV projects currently being developed.
James Hergott was born in Cornwall, Ontario in 1976. Always an imaginative spirit, Hergott’s film career began in high school at age thirteen when he got his first home video camera. His cast and crewwere comprised of other kids in his neighborhood. Though Hergott struggled with a learning disability in his early years, he was found to be of superior intellectual caliber with an escalated sense ofingenuity and creativity. While in college at York University, Hergott started his own business, a 1-900 job line servicing all of Canada. His new venture skyrocketed, and he even turned his dorm roominto his corporate headquarters, but he never lost his true passionfor filmmaking. In 1999, his biggest break yet came when he metHollywood producer Tarquin Gotch at the Toronto Film Festival. The twoformed an instant friendship and working relationship. Gotch was soimpressed with Hergott’s tenacity and love of filmmaking that he tookhim under his tutelage. Together they developed the Showtime biopic”Call Me Donald” on real estate mogul Donald Trump. The collaborationgarnered national media attention for Hergott in the industrycornerstone Variety which reported “Young Buck, Plays Trump Card” intheir April 1999 issue. The Don himself also praised Hergott’s workand in a personal letter to the young filmmaker, Mr. Trump wrote thathe was “extremely talented” and wished him the best in his “burgeoningcareer.”Hergott also went on to co-write the feature film “Brothers”with Gotch, which is scheduled to begin production in Canada in early2008. The partnership led to the co-founding of Steinberg GotchEntertainment with Hergott, Gotch and famous sports agent LeighSteinberg. In 2004, Hergott went solo with the production anddirection of his first feature film “All That I Need.” The filmdebuted at the Cannes International Film Festival Market in 2005 aspart of a roster of films presented by a Beverly Hills productioncompany. Following the success of the film at Cannes, executivesdecided to offer Hergott the presidency of the company, a challenge heeagerly accepted. In this position, he was able to secure a limitedtheatrical release of “All That I Need” with the Regal/UA Theatrechain that exhibited the film on screens across the country. Hergotthas also been featured in over 200 media outlets throughout the U.S.and Canada as well as a number of national publications includingIndie Slate and Create Magazines.
CONTACT: hergottproductions@gmail.com