Paul is available for seminars and private instruction. It has been roughly 15 years since UFC 1 when Royce and the Gracie family exposed most of us to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Many of the students who were inspired to start BJJ because of the first UFC’s are coming of age as black belts. We have seen the rise of world class competitors like Rafael Lovato Jr, Jeff Glover, Bill Cooper with many others on the way up. There is also a new wave of teachers that are emerging. The next generation of great instructors. Guys like John Donaher, Shawn Williams and David Camarillo. This new wave of instructor is grounded in tradition, yet seemingly more progressive in their teaching style and desire to learn from everyone and share their knowledge. We were lucky enough to have one of these rising new instructors spend a few days with us at Revolution Jiu-Jitsu ( in Minneapolis and give one of the best seminars I have ever attended.
David Camarillo approached me and said that I should take advantage of the opportunity to have Paul Schreiner teach at my academy. So at the advice of Dave I had Paul come in and I was blown away. I have been practicing BJJ for over 10yrs, I’m a black belt and I have trained with and learned from some of the best. Paul is right there with them.
What impressed me the most about Paul is what a fan he is of BJJ. I can tell that he truly loves everything about the art. He is a guy that seemingly has trained with and learned from everybody. You name them and Paul has sought them out. A true student of the art.
After the first 5minutes of talking with Paul I knew this would be a great seminar. He came in with a solid plan of what he would cover. Each move leading into the next seamlessly. The techniques started with a throw instructed by David Camarillo and then everything was handed off to Paul. The throw led into a series of very simple, yet effective guard pass techniques and a variety of positional and submission options. The techniques Paul showed were not flashy. In fact they were very simple. They were beautiful examples of efficient yet very effective jiu-jitsu.
The unique thing about this seminar was the wide range of students in attendance. There was everything from the new white belt to numerous black belts all learning the same techniques. Paul’s simple, yet detailed explanation of each technique made it understandable and relevant for all.
As an instructor myself, one of the things that struck me the most about Paul was his ability to watch, analyze, critique and improve anyone’s game. After training Paul immediately gave me some insight into how I can improve my own game. Nothing radical, just a few small technical adjustments that made all of the difference in the world. That is true jiu-jitsu instructor. A great instructor has the ability to enhance anyone’s game.
One of the most appealing things about Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu as a martial art is its ability to evolve. Paul is a great example as to how the sport has evolved over the last 15 years. He is an instructor who has opened his mind to all and has sought out and learned from some of the best of all time. He continues to learn and passes his knowledge on to all those that want to learn. He is a true Martial Artist and a great instructor. I would highly recommend his seminars and now his new academy to everyone. I look forward to Paul sharing his knowledge and insight with me, a black belt, for the rest of my BJJ career.
Paul is available for seminars and private instruction. He can be reached at: or by phone 831 419 2292