The Professional Submission League (PSL), thechampions league of submission wrestling, is planninga big weekend for Febuary 17-19 at the Fit Expo inPasedena Ca. The Fit Expo, California’s once a yearfitness event, features 150 Exhibits offering thelatest in cutting edge fitness & health products andservices. Vendors come from around the world toparticipate and represent in the heart of the fitnessindustry. The Fit Expo also offers attendees theunique opportunity to learn from the pros in a seriesof seminars, demonstrations & live interactivetraining sessions.
The PSL will be in full force at the Fit Expo with abooth inside the expo along with a series of seminarsfeaturing PSL founder Rico Chiapparelli, ADCC WorldSubmission Wrestling Champion Jeff ‘The Snowman’Monson and Brazilian Jiu-Jistu Legend Saulo Ribeiro.All PSL seminars will end with a question & answersession and are FREE with your admission into the FitExpo.
The curiculum for the PSL seminars are as follows:FridayTakedowns for MMA & Submission Rico Chiapparelli
SaturdaySubmission Training DrillsJeff Monson
SundayArte Sauve – BJJ for Submission Saulo Ribeiro
The PSL booth will be open throughout the weekend,fans are encouraged to come out and meet theirfavorite athletes while checking out some of the mixedmedia displays of previous PSL events. The PSL boothwill be busy all weekend with special appearances byPSL athletes along with ‘The Voice of Pride’ & newIcon Sport Middleweight Champion Frank Trigg, amongothers… Please come check us out & pick up some PSL goodies.
For more info on the PSL go to
Tickets for The Fit Expo are priced at $13 daily or$25 for the full weekend and are available at allTicketmaster outlets. Discount coupons will beavailable in February at selected area SubwayRestaurants, GNC Nutrition Shops, and 24 Hour Fitnesslocations.
With well over 12,000 attendees, TheFitExpo, now inits 4th year, has quickly become California’s numberone fitness exposition. Additional sponsoring companies include, Gaspari Nutrition, Subway Restaurants, Met-Rx, NxLabs, Biogenetix, Worldwide Sport Nutrition, Muscle Milk, GNC, and ProLab. Media sponsors includeFlex, MuscleMag, Oxygen, Powerlifting USA, and NPC Magazine.
Complete information on TheFitExpo weekend isavailable at