The International GrappleFest 2005 is a monthaway. Everything is set for martial artists from across the US and abroad will be attending this year. Wanted to get some feedback from you about whetheror not: *you will be attending, *if your school will be entering a 5-member team for
the Martial Arts Olympics *if you will be staying overnight at the venue’s lodging, Fri, Sat, Sun *if you will be attending the Champion’s Banquet.
Thank you for your time and please reply if thisinterests you.
Regards,Anthony HussPresident of GrappleFest for 20052xAll Japan MMA Tournament Champion
International GrappleFest 2005 (See attachments for flyer, map, and PDF file)
Sept 17-18th, 2005 is the date for the annualGrappleFest competition. This year’s event will be anOUTDOOR martial arts festival that will blow yourmind! A completely original concept. All levels andages are welcome. A festival themed around intenseGrappling competition and other martial arts, withsomething for everyone. Make sure this is on your “TO DO LIST”!
This year’s GrappleFest will feature a widevariety of martial arts competitions for ALLconceivable forms of Grappling: Submission Grappling,Jiu-Jitsu, Folkstyle Wrestling, Judo, ScottishHighland Wrestling, Sambo, Cuff’N’Stuff (MAYBE Sumo,Backhold Wrestling too), etc. There will also besomething for those who prefer striking!
International GrappleFest 2005 will host: “TAP FACTOR” 1st Annual Championship Tournament: “The GAUNTLET”: Martial Artist Team Olympics “CHAMPION’S BANQUET” PLUS MUCH, MUCH MORE,……
Cabins and accommodations onsight and very inexpensivefor +500!
Weigh-ins: Sept 16th, Fri:7-9pm Sept 17th, Sat:8-9:30am(note, once you weigh-in you are set for the wholeweekend, i.e. come early, pass, and then rest up)
2005 ScheduleWeigh-ins: Sept 16th, Fri:7-9pm Sept 17th, Sat:8-9:30am(note, once you weigh-in you are set for the wholeweekend, i.e. come early, pass, and then rest up)
Event times by date: Sept 17th, Opening ceremony 10am, followed by “TAP FACTOR” 1st Annual Championship Tournament. 9pm “CHAMPION’S BANQUET”, after which there will be
more live performances until late
Sept 18th, Opening ceremony 10am, followed by “TAP FACTOR” 1st Annual ChampionshipTournament(cont.) and “The GAUNTLET”: Martial Artist Team Olympics
Sponsored by: SOBE beverage company MMA.TV Huss Hybrid Combat College Trophies Forever Combat College House of Pain C.A.D.R.E. C&S Rapid Copies Carolina Cup
Attention potential vendors: Booths are 10’x10′. Forbooths or sponsorship opportunities contact us at704-300-6253.
Directions To GrappleFest 2005:In 2005 the venue will be located at a privatecampground outside of Richmond
From Richmond:
From Richmond, take I-64 to Exit 136 at Zion Crossroads. Follow US Highway 15 south for 6.6 milestoward Palmyra. GrappleFest 2005 will be on yourright.
Washington, DC:
From Washington (Northwestern areas), Take I -66 Westpast Manassas. Exit on to Route 29 South towardGainesville. Follow 29 south to Culpeper, where itcombines with US Highway 15. Take 15 South forapproximately 34.5 miles towards Palmyra. GrappleFest 2005 will be on your right.
From Charlottesville:
GrappleFest 2005 is about 15 miles east of Charlottesville. Take I-64 to exit 136 at ZionCrossroads. Follow US Highway 15 south for 7 miles towardsPalmyra. GrappleFest 2005 will be on your right.
From Charlotte:
Take I-85 North till it merges with I-95 North,continue north till you hit Richmond.From Richmond, take I-64 to Exit 136 at Zion Crossroads. Follow US Highway 15 south for 6.6 milestoward Palmyra. GrappleFest 2005 will be on yourright.
Attention Pilots:
For those of you who would like to use the Airfieldavailable at GrappleFest, we are listed in theWashington and Cincinnati Sectional AeronauticalCharts. If you wish further information about theairfield, please contact us.