Ringworm or sometimes also medically called ‘tinea’, ringworm is an infectious skin disease caused by mold like fungi called Dermatophytes. These Dermatophytes thrive on dead tissues on skin surface and follow a circular path to spread its infection outward. Ring worm can and will usually affect all part of the body, from your head to your feet; this skin infection can breed where ever.
This infection is highly common in contact sports due to the direct contact of two or more people with all different hygiene regiments. Ring worm or Tinea thrives significantly on unclean and moist conditions. The wearing of Gi’s, tee-shirts, unclean boxing gloves, or head gear for long periods of time only help the fungus grow faster.
Ring worm or Tinea can be treated quickly if noticed right away; the longer it takes one to notice this infection the hard it becomes to treat. If found right away, the average treatment time to cure ring worm is about 3-4 weeks, but you will still see the infected area for up to 6 weeks due to the minor skin irritation? It will leave behind. Below I have listed some products that I have used throughout my Wrestling and Jiu Jitsu career to help protect myself from potentially becoming infection. I have also listed some ideas to help stop the growth or spread of ring worm between trainings. Let’s try to keep ring worm and other infections out of our gyms; no one wants to have to stop training to treat a skin infection we all could have prevented.
KENNEY SKIN CARE WASH is anti-infective agent, and has also been prescribed to treat skin infections to include tinea (ring worm). This can be found at any local health store or your local super market.
Kenney skin care crème has been around for years and has been used to help prevent contaminates from coming in contact with your skin. Find this product at the ONTHEMAT.com web site under skin care
Kenney Skin care wipes are great for between matches, trainings, and before your car ride home to shower to help stop the growth of any bacteria. Also this product can be found at OTM.
Hibiclens is another product that is antifungal cleanser and wash. You can order this product at www.hibiclens.com or at your local super market or health store.
Idea’s to help minimize the chances of being infected by ring worm.
Jiu Jitsu / Wrestling/ Boxing
Ø Change your gear between training.
Ø After every training or between classes’ wash your hands & face. Also wipe your body down with a towel to collect all your sweat and anything else you have picked up on the mat.
Ø If possible use the protected wipes or creams.
Ø Shower prior to and also after class.
Ø Wash your gear and Gi’s upon returning home; do not allow the fungus to grow on your gear.
Ø Wipe down inside & outside your head gear & gloves with antifungal wipes.
Ø Clean your gym bags at least twice a month, wipe them out also.