All posts in " Hidden Jiu Jitsu "

Gnarly Street Fight Compilation Video

By Scotty OTM / September 23, 2014

This is a Good Street Fight Compilation I wonder if the guy at the 5:45 mark in this Street Fight Compilation knew some BJJ how the fight would have been different? I have to say I love to watch these raw street fight videos and think about what I would do differently or how a […]


TBT Dave Camarillo on training BJJ with Rickson Gracie

By Scotty OTM / September 11, 2014

DATM: Rickson Gracie Stands Alone I remember back when Dave was a brown belt and he went to train at Rickson Gracie’s School in LA.  At the time Dave, Gumby and I were all training at Ralph Gracie’s in Mt. View, CA.  At that time Ralph’s school was full of killers including BJ Penn and […]