I have been lucky enough to train in every corner of the USA, all over Brazil and even a little in Europe.I have been lucky enough to train in every corner of the USA, all over Brazil and even a little in Europe. Every once in a while I get to train at a place that is really special. Marc Laimon ‘s Cobra Kai Jiu Jitus is not in some far off exotic place but it is a very special place to get on the mat.
The big differences that makes Marc`s school so great is his open door policy, his tight ties with the UFC and, location. Being in Las Vegas, NV home of the UFC and also Grapplers Quest West there is never a shortage of high-level fighters in town and wanting to train. Marc is open to this so any day there you might find Pride Champs, UFC Champs, National Level wrestlers and Grappling stars all training together with no politics and great instruction. Marc is a true student of the game and does his homework well. So the techniques he teaches are cutting edge and loaded with great details in all facetted of the game gi, no gi and MMA. Cobra Kai has recently been expended to add a cage and second mat space. Doubling the size and improving the MMA training there.
This last time I was there was during UFC 51 and the evening training was a who`s who of grappling and MMA. On of the huge hi lights was seeing two of the amercia`s greatest grapplers sharing ideas on the guard. Marc Laimon and Eddie Bravo battled it out over guard techniques and twister set ups. Where else are you going to get to see that kind of talent sharing hi level techniques openly? But that was just the zenith there was all kinds of top guys there training like: Marc Coleman, Rafael Lovato, Joe Rogan, Pete the Greek, Sean Spangler, Jeremy Horn, Jay Herion, Deigo Sanchez, Marc and Scott Berri, Gabe Barahona, Benji Radic, and more. Sorry if I forgot anyone but that place was packed!
If you are ever in Los Vegas for whatever reason stop in the Cobra Kai right behind Cheetahs for some solid training.
Thanks a lot to all the Cobra Kai guys for making us all at home there the training was great see you all there at Grappler Quest West.