The Gracie Jiu-Jitsu World Championship
Pre-Register Before July 31, 2006
For Your FREE Fighter T-shirt
and Save $$ on Registration
August 19-20, 2006-Los Angeles, Ca. (El Camino College)
White Belts to Black Belts-Ages 5-65
Since no other competitions tests all aspects of a competitors game like those of the International Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Federation, those who prevail in 2006 will rightfully be crowned as the First Ever Gracie Jiu-Jitsu World Champions!
After many years of rigorous testing by thousands of jiu-jitsu competitors, the Official Competition Rules of the IGJJF have proven to be the most effective way to measure a Jiu-Jitsu fighter’s level of technique in a sportive competition. In most jiu-jitsu tournaments the competitors can manipulate the complicated point system and the short time limit to win a match and as a result, many times the winner is not the better fighter. Under the IGJJF rules however, a jiu-jitsu practitioner will not be rewarded for his or her ability to stall until the time runs out, but instead, for his or her courage, technical knowledge, combat strategy, and endurance.
What makes the IGJJF competitions so unique and favorable amongst the competitors, is our set of rules which eliminate stalling altogether and encourage victory by submission-the ultimate goal of any jiu-jitsu practitioner. As a result, the IGJJF competitions have the highest submission ratios of any jiu-jitsu tournaments in history. Competitor satisfaction at IGJJF competitions is extremely high and to ensure this does not change, we have decided to make some organizational changes.
Here’s what’s new:
* FREE Registration for all Black Belt Competitors
* CASH Bonus for Team Registration
* Competition Day Weigh-In
* Competition Day Registration
* Women’s Open Weight Division
* Internet Registration and Payment Option
* Additional Children Divisions (Over 100 child competitors in 2005!)
Visit our official website for additional details and to register online.
Good Luck,
Rener Gracie