Hey Fight Fans!
I like training and sparring. When you get to my level, you have to train yourself. Sometimes when you are this good, you just have to kick your own butt. That’s my philosophy, and I do a lot of philosophizing.
I’m not here to ramble about myself or tell you something that’s going to waste your time(even though I like to). It’s all about you- the people who train everyday trying to better yourself out there On The Mat.
We have loads of fine gear just waiting for you to bring home and give some love to. To make your own personal journey and put it up here for all to see. We all have our "War" stories and injuries to talk about on this fabulous website. It’s funny, I still love all my old equipment. Not all equipment lasts, and the equipment that does last becomes like a family member after years of training. The quality equipment provided by my company exceeds most of the equipment I trained with all those years ago. I just hope you can make your own magic with these fine quality items, and make them members of your family.
I still train, but not like I used to. It’s more of a mental training where I find out how to better assist you; in your quest to train day in and day out, so you can become the best.
See you On The Mat!