Hi I have a tournament coming real soon. Highlights and finals will be televised
Robert Lovi & John Carlquist
The Ultimate Submission Experience Tournament Rules
Scoring: Clean Takedown 2 pointsSweep 2 pointsPass Opponents Guard 3 pointsMounted Position 4 pointsBack Mount with Hooks in 4 points
NOTES: 1. To gain points for positions, passes, or takedowns the competitor must show clear control for 3 seconds. 2. Points will be accumulated from the start of the match until the end of the match.
3. Advantage Points will be awarded for Submission attempts that posed a real threat to the other fighter, near takedowns, near sweep, near passes etc. Advantages will only be used in the case of a tie with points.
4. Stalling A. 1st offense of stalling will result in a warning(Backing out of the guard without engaging, butt scooting, fleeing the ring to avoid takedown/submission attempts). B. 2nd offense will result in a 2 Point Deduction. C. 3rd offense will result in a Disqualification.
5. No slamming is permitted. *NOTE – Takedowns are not considered slamming, unless intent to injure is determined by the referee. This is to avoid slamming to escape the guard and to escape various submissions from the guard. If you lift your opponent off the ground, you are responsible for his safe return to the ground. Intentionally slamming your opponent will result in disqualification.
6. Submission Ends the Match.
Divisions:1. Beginner Under 1 year 4 Minute Bouts2. Intermediate 1-2 Years 5 Minute Bouts3. Advanced 2 Years and over 6 Minute Bouts
Weight Classifications150 & Under151-170171-190191-210211 & Up
Registration Fee: $25.00 in advance, $40.00 day ofSpectators: $5.00 in advance, $10.00 day ofUltimate Submission ExperienceNo-Gi Grappling Tournament-Hosted by Robert Lovi & John Carlquist
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Location: E Center West Valley City, Utah
Weigh-ins 11:00 – 12:00(Bracketing will be done by random draw at the conclusion of the weigh-in period)
Start Time 1:00 pm
Information : email earthscall@msn.com