Upcoming Tournaments Hitting NJ

There’s two big tournamnets coming up in new jersey.


in two weeks, NAGA hits Newark, NJ with the North American Grappling Championship on 11/20/10.

I’m looking to compete in both gi and no-gi as well as both absolute divisions.  that’s four divisions in one day.  my team is certainly getting me ready for it. and i’m stoked!!


Then in december, there’s the Grappler’s Quest World Series in Asbury Park, NJ.  that too i plan on competing and helping to coach some first time competitors. 


I am looking forward to some big things in the next two months.  two big tournaments, two big proving grounds, and one really big goal.  true, it’s only the intermediate and the blue belt divisions. but hey, a guy’s gotta start somewhere, right?


I wish all competitors good luck as they prepare and enter the venues to grapple with other competitors.




i attached a video of myself from a grapplers quest tourney from early 2010. i hope you enjoy it.  please maek comments and share your thoughts! it’s always good to get some feedback!!  thanks!

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