It’s time to start making plans for the U.S. Open XI Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Tournament… When and Where claudio medal 150×149 The event will take place at the Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium on October 21 and 22, 2006. Registration price will be $65.00 before 11:59 pm on Thursday, October 12th and $80.00 between October 13th and Monday, October 16th by 11:59pm PST. This year will also mark the second annual Brown- Black Belt Team Challenge. Last year’s event with Team Saulo Ribeiro taking first place blew spectators away! Who will take the prize this year? Teams interested in this year’s challenge should start training and contact us ASAP. Register Online Today Be on the lookout for the official U.S. Open website coming soon…. Sincerely, Michael Roberts Claudio Franca Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu email: blackbelt@claudiofrancabjj.com web: http://www.claudiofrancabjj.com