All posts in "Street Fighting"

Crazy BJJ Street Fight Video

By Scotty OTM / May 14, 2015

Seems like more and more street fight videos that pop up on youtube have BJJ in them. The general public through training or just watching the UFC are getting more knowledgeable about ground fighting and even guard work. Most of the time the guard work is very ineffective or sloppy.  This guy seems to do […]


This is Just WRONG! Jiu Jitsu used in the WRONG WAY!!

By Scotty OTM / February 23, 2015

If this guys stupid Jiu Jitsu back tattoo doesnt give him away as being an ass his actions for sure do! I hate to see BJJ being used as an offense in an assault like this! This guy is just attacking his x-girl friend and her friend like an animal. Probability on the juice too […]


Henry Akins Responds to Basket Ball BJJ Street Fight

By Scotty OTM / February 4, 2015

Darren Branch sent this this video to Rickson Gracie Black Belt Henry Akins.  Henry is known as a BJJ Street Defense expert and wanted his take on the video. Henry Says… “Apparently the guy in this video is a purple belt in Jiu-Jitsu, which means he’s been training anywhere from 3-6 years. Its a demonstration […]


SHOCKING VIDEO of MMA Fighter Dave Herman tased by cops!

By Scotty OTM / January 23, 2015

UFC & MMA Fighter David Herman says that Police officers treated me like a dog and an animal!!  David’s wife caught the entire incident on video with her iPad.  Once police noticed they were being filmed their attitude noticeably changed.  Dave is now released from jail and is charged with three felonies and a misdemeanor. […]


BJJ Wins A Street Fight For Real!!

By Scotty OTM / January 20, 2015

BJJ is showing up more in more in street fights.  Sometimes the Jiu Jitsu is crap and some times it really works, like in this case. BJJ was originally designed as a street defense martial art for the mean street fights in Brazil.  Rickson Gracie even taught a class called street defense at his school […]


GRACIE BREAK DOWN Woman Violently Abducted in Philadelphia

By admin / November 19, 2014

Free Worldwide Women Empowered Seminars on January 10, 2015! On November 2, 2014, Carlesha Freeland-Gaither, a nurse’s assistant in Philadelphia, was violently abducted at 9:40pm. The entire incident was captured by surveillance cameras, and although the exposure of the footage helped authorities catch the perpetrator, it also sparked widespread concern among women everywhere. In this […]

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