About the author



CANCELED!!! Gabi Garcia No Gi Seminar November 3rd @ Cobrinha BJJ

By littleone / October 25, 2011

Unfortunatly, due to personal reasons, I had to delay my seminars at the USA for the beggining of the year of 2012. Problems happen also in a athlete’s life, but I’ll be back in January/2012 even stronger and with a more improved seminar! Thanks all of you for the support, always! Gabi Garcia.


Interview with Edwin “Young Assasin” Najmi

By littleone / December 23, 2010

A couple weeks ago I took the time to interview my training partner, Edwin Najmi, a blue belt active competitor who is beginning to sweep the scene. Although he’s younger than most seasoned competitors out there, he has proven his place in the bjj world and has a lot of potential. Often seen as Romulo […]


Pulling Guard Zine

By littleone / December 2, 2010

As an introduction, my name is Erin and I train with Romulo Barral. I started my own blog back in April just to jot down my own personal experiences with the sport. I figured that writing is a passion of mine and since there aren’t very many resources on the subject (despite a few absolutely […]