Day One
Master Lloyd Irvin of Team Lloyd Irvin is hosting the best brown belts from around the world this week in the biggest and most important submission only no time limit grappling tournament in the history of brazilian jiu jitsu. Competitors such as Luke Costello (Braulio Estima BJJ), Victor Silverio (GF Team), Gary Tonon of Ocean County BJJ) and Darragh O?Conaill traveled from every corner of the world to compete against one another for the opportunity to face off against grand slam phenom Keenan Cornelius in a battle to solidify their position as the best brown belt in the world.
Day one competitors were hesitant and strategic as they engaged in open mat at Team Lloyd Irvin?s morning competition class. Competitors stared at each across the room, engaged in guard passing drills and whispered in foreign tongues with one another – ?how do we beat Keenan?? After a grueling 3-hour training session, Master Lloyd Irvin called all of the competitors to the second floor of his gym to await instructions for the next few days. You could cut the silence in the room with a knife ? sweat poured from brows and eyes were wide open ? anxiously awaiting the announcements.
Finally, Master Lloyd and the cameras entered the room and the surprise twist was announced. Keenan Cornelius would join the tournament as a competitor. Gary Tonon grinned from ear to ear as did the other competitors.
"I think it’s awesome that Keenan is competing with the rest of us. That was my only complaint, that Keenan should have to be on the same level with all of us. I am excited for this match up."
The other competitors echoed this sentiment. To add further to the excitement, Master Lloyd asked the group ?so which one of you thinks you’re the best brown belt in the world?
Everyone in the confident group raised their hand.
However one guy is more accomplished than the rest, Master Lloyd called Luke Costello down from the bleachers to the mat. Luke you are the most accomplished brown belt here.
You get to choose your first opponent.?
Luke shifted back and forth on his feet and turned bright red. Well I suppose I should’ve done some due diligence.? I don’t know, I’ll pick the smallest guy here (points to Victor Silverio).? Victor Silverio took to the mat. Master Lloyd asked Victor, do you want this match to be gi or no gi? Victor quickly answers, no gi. Victor later explained that Luke beat him in a previous no gi match so he was anxious to get his revenge.
Everyone in the room was a bit surprised why didn’t he choose Keenan? one competitor whispered to another. Then Master Lloyd asked, who’s the second most accomplished brown belt in the room? Garry Tonon quickly stepped up the plate. Garry, in true warrior form, chose Keenan for his first match.
Keenan chose to face Garry in the gi. In interviews, Garry explained that he picked Keenan because he’s the man to beat. Garry lost a close match to Keenan at NAGA and is anxious to exact revenge. When asked, Keenan revealed his strategy, to choke Garry from the back.
The matches officially start Tuesday, December 11:
Luke Costello vs. Victor Silverio
Garry Tonon vs. Keenan Cornelius
AJ Sousa vs. Thomas Oyarzun
Darragh O’Conaill vs. Eduardo Salazar
Sean Roberts vs. Ilke Bulut
Luca Anacoreta will get a bye in the first round.
AJ Agazarm will join the tournament on Wednesday, December 12.
Competitor list:
Sean Roberts (RALPH GRACIE ? USA),
Victor Santos Silverio (GF TEAM ? BRAZIL),
Ilke Bulut (ICON BJJ ? TURKEY),
Daniel Tsatsos (NOVA UNIAO ? CANADA),
Eduardo Salazar (BRASA ? MEXICO),
Luca Anacoreta (AETEMA JJ ? ITALY),
Darragh O’Conaill (RIBEIRO JJ ? IRELAND),