I just got a copy of this app with the aim of reviewing it and hopefully some others out there on the market. I am reviewing on an iPhone 4 running IOS 4.2.1 (8C148). The app version is the latest version 1.0.0
This is a fledgling market and really only the Machado Brothers, Stephen Kesting, Darculino and Roy Dean have embraced it fully, with only Roy and Draculino going for a full course offering. But there are more and more apps coming out offering some BJJ instruction.
As with all new apps and technologies there are bound to be teething problems and issues so I have taken this into account in this review. It is not the same as reviewing DVD’s, Gi’s or belts as these are all established and should be at that point of perfection, or at least nearing it.
BJJ Sweeps is headed by Black Belt Marcos Torregrosa and covers Deep Half Guard and Leg Wrap positions. It is produced by Handcrafted Web Solutions and the main man is Dan Munk who I hope to be dealing with again soon.
read the full review at http://bigstewbjj.wordpress.com/2011/02/10/bjj-sweeps-iphone-app-review/