To listen, click here: carsonscorner.podomatic.comWe have two very entertaining and informative guests on tap for you today on Carson’s Corner.
First up is Mr. Dan Quinn. Dan is a former Notre Dame football player who also competed professionally in the sports of boxing and MMA. Dan and Bob sat down for a long talk this week. They covered a wide variety of topics, including (but not limited to) Dan’s football and fighting careers, his opinion on how he would stack up against certain fighters that are quite well known today and his belief that the supplement stevia is perhaps the most important addition that a person can make to his or her diet. Dan is a charismatic speaker, and you’re going to want to hear what he has to say.
After Bob’s interview with Dan, stay tuned to hear what MMA manager Tommy Rojas has to say about Rampage Jackson. Tommy told Bob the behind-the-scenes story about Rampage’s K-1 fight against Cyril Abidi. It’s interesting stuff, and it’s a chance for you to hear what happened from one of the people on the inside.