Chute Boxe gathered 700 students in a big class

One of the biggest tests of Muay Thai promoted in Brazil was held last Saturday in Curitiba. About 700 athletes from Chute Boxe participated in the class, which included the presence of all the fighters from the black belt level of the academy.


Several branches of the team were present with students and graduates at various levels, including children and women.


The couple Cyborg and Cyborg, which operates in the U.S., was honored with many palms, and there was also a small ceremony with a minute of silence to remember those carried out by the former leader of Thai Boxe, the late Osmar Dias, in a moment of great emotion in the gym.


"It’s an immense joy, so big that I can’t describe", said Master Rudimar Fedrigo, celebrating the success of the class, "I could never imagine that the school would grow so large and spread throughout Brazil and the world. It is a demonstration of our unity, our strength, and people who represent Chute Boxe".

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