Countries taking part to WTKA KARATE World Championships

Dear WTKA Members dear WTKA friends,

I’m proud to announce to everyone that 52 Countries will participate to WTKA World Championships that will be held in Viareggio Sport Hall Italy from 19th to 24th September 2006!

From last World Championships news countries contacted WTKA Fedaration to participate in our Event.

This year we will stay all together in the Spirit of Karate Do with: Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bermuda, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Catalunya, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominicana Republic, Egypt, England, Finland, France, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Holland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norwey, Palestine, Peru, Philippine, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Senegal, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Wales.

And in these days we are working to obtain Visa for: Cameroon, Albania, Nigeria, Belarus, Armenia, Iran, Kyrgistan, Kazakistan, Pakistan, India.

It will be a great Championships with 5 Great Sectors:

KATA (Individual – Team – Dual Team)KUMITE (Individual – Team)KOBUDO (Individual – Team – Dual Team)KARATE SELF DEFENCE (Team)POINT KARATE (Individual – Team)

One day before the competitions all chief delegations will receive a paper with the days schedule of competitions: hour, tatami number and competition details, competitors details.Official English Speakers will be at disposal of every Tatami to announce the start, the details and the procedures of every competition.

Please cooperate to obtain a perfect logistic organization for all of us but above all for the Competitors, so please remember to send your entry form 10 days before the competitions.

I would like to remember you that every delegation will have at its disposal a free of charge shuttle bus every day from Hotel to Sport Hall and from Sport Hall to the Hotels. Buses shuttle service will start from the morning untill the evening, continuated service.

Please visit to see Viareggio, Pisa, Le Cinque Terre: beautiful lands and beautiful beaches that are waiting for your visit! And don’t forget in Italy in September is Summer!

Best regardsCristiano RadicchiWTKA World Championships

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About the author

Cristiano Radicchi