Ex UFC Fighter — Assault with Deadly Weapon TMZ!

Several San Diego police swarmed in on former UFC bad boy War Machine last night and threw a spit bag on his head after cops say the dude assaulted someone with a deadly weapon.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2010/03/31/ufc-fighter-war-machine-arrest-san-diego-assault-with-deadly-weapon/#ixzz0jrmSdNwm

TMZ has learned Machine — which is the fighter’s legal name — was arrested outside a bar called Thruster’s Lounge around 11 pm.

Law enforcement sources tell us Machine and another male were fighting with bouncers — and when cops tried to approach the situation, War Machine took off running.

Eventually, cops caught up with the 28-year-old, threw him in handcuffs, and for some reason, put a spit bag over his head … which is generally applied when the perp gets a little too aggressive with his oral fluids.

Machine was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon — though it’s unclear what the weapon is. He’s currently being held in a SD jail.

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Scotty OTM