Female Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Players Tribute Video – Womens BJJ
There are some bad ass ladies on this new women off BJJ tribute video. Often the ladies don’t get the respect or the credit they deserve. Womens BJJ is considered the fastest growing segment of BJJ right now.
Women only BJJ seminars and even schools are popping up all over the place and the womens divisions in the BJJ tournaments are expanding and growing extremely fast.
There is even an All Women’s BJJ Surfing and Training camp coming up featuring Letica Ribero that we are sponsoring in February.
Sub and Surf Womens BJJ Camp >> CLICK HERE
For details on All Womens BJJ Seminars check out Sweaty Betties and Girls in Gis both are great organizations make a huge contribution to the sport.
This Women’s BJJ Video features: Leticia Ribeiro, Mackenzie Derns, Kyra Gracie, Michelle Nicolini, Beatriz Mesquita and many more