Jean Jacques Machado, Heart of a Champion

If you love Jiu-Jitsu you’ll really enjoy this tape.Buy this tape!

If you love Jiu-Jitsu you’ll really enjoy this tape. It starts out with Jean Jacque Machado telling a little history of Jiu-Jitsu and how he applies it to his beliefs. Then they move on to the early days of Machado Jiu-Jitsu in the US. They show Jean Jacque fighting as a Balck Belt in Judo then in Sambo. It’s great to see how effective Jiu-Jitsu under the differnt rules. Jean Jacque was actually the national chapion in Sambo a few times. Cool matches.

The Gracies and the Machados have been teaching Califorina Police Departments for quite some time. The tape interviews LAPD officers about their training.

The Old Stuff

This is the best part of the tape Jean Jacque as a Blue Belt at the Brazilian National Championships. In 1995 Jean Jacque faught the number one Japanese Jiu-Jitsu fighter, none other than Yuuki Nakai. They both look so young in this event. There is more great footage of Jean Jacque when he was very young, what’s cool is they have some good slow motion replays. There is a lot of old footage on the tape. The best by far is Jean Jacque vs Wallid Ismail. Jean Jacque almost gets Wallid right off the bat. Wallid gets out but its a battle for the rest of the match.

The tapes ends with a lot of footage from Abu-Dhabi over the last couple years.

Machado “Heart of a Champion” is a great tape with some great footage. Well worth the only $29.99.

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Scotty OTM