There was a war of word on Facebook when Jeff Glover sent a message to IBJJF No Gi World Champion Caio Terra.
"Lol yo, ciao terra, welcome to the club baby, I’ve never been injnury free. Your not the only one player. Props on the style and the skills, just stop whinning lol you repeating parrot lol."
Caio Terra was quick to respond –
"LOL to Jeff Glover for posting this on his Facebook: "Lol Yo, ciao terra, welcome to the club baby, I’ve never been injury free. Your not the only one player. Props on the style and skill, just stop whining lol you repeating parrot lol" Thanks buddy, maybe that’s why you NEVER compete or when you do so, don’t win =(
And taking steroids should be easier to recover your body no?!"
Rummor has it this might be a lead up to a super fight in Febuary in New York.
This could be an incredible match & the whole grappling world will be waiting to see what happens next since Caio announced he is is done with competition for awhile after winning the IBJJF No Gi worlds last weekend.
Speach from IBJJF No Gi Worlds:
“With all the injuries I’ve been dealing with, this is a really important win for me,” Caio says, “I was out of shape before coming here. I hadn’t trained much and had only rolled lightly at the seminars I’d given recently. My MMA coach, Kirian, told me to start working on the VersaClimber to help me get ready for the No-Gi Worlds. It was helpful in getting me here today.”