Ladies and Gents, Organizers and Grinders
And just plain ole’ Party People
Hip Hop Congress and R.E.F.U.G.E….In Association with the Claron Lounge would like to formally invite you to…
A Celebration for the BOOK Release of Adisa Banjoko’sLyrical Swords Vol 2.: Westside Rebellion
At the Claran Lounge in Santa Clara1251 Franklin Mall
Featuring With the Ill live Performances By:DLABRIE and the A.L.L.I.A.N.C.K-DOESHAMAKO NOBLENOAHDEEAKILI of Sub Renand Bay Area’s Mixtape King BALANCE
With DJ Golden Child doing damage to the turntables all night long…
Suprise Special Guests from all over the Bay Area
With Promotional Giveaways of CD’s, T-Shirts and host of fun times,networking opportunites and props to one of the Bay Area’s finestjournalists.
Oh, and it’s FREE, FREE, FREE at the Door
Labels, Org or local business that would like promotional displays shouldcontact
Listen for announcements on KPFA, KSCU, KSZU and KSJS for updates!!!!!!
Flyer Coming Soon
Come out and JOIN US!!