Nate Marquardt – Opens New Dojo in Denver

7-times Pancrase world champ Nate Marquardt (right) shows the his new HAMA dojo to long time friend Billy Hendricks

Undefeated UFC middleweight contender Nate Marquardt held a grand opening today for his new dojo in Aurora, Colorado. The gym is two and a half times bigger with more than 3 times the mat space of the previous location. There is a bigger ring on the way, more heavy bags, double end bags, soon to be showers, and a awesome judo-style tatame mat built on a spring board. Without a doubt the nicest dojo in Denver, says Pancrase coach Billy Hendricks.

Located minutes from the original H.A.M.A. gym, the address is: High Altitude Martial Arts, 2832 ZZ, South Havana St. Aurora CO 80014.

W. HendricksPancrase USA303-589-3394www.Pancrase.US

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Will Hendricks