We just finished the Gracie Academy winter belt ceremony and it was a joyous occasion to say the least. Altogether the Gracies awarded 36 blue belts, 9 purple belts, and 3 brown belts. The highlight of the ceremony was when black belts were awarded to three of the Academy’s most dedicated instructors: Jitesh Patel, Alex Stuart and Ricardo Bayona. Thanks for everyone who came out to support the promotion recipients. To view the full list of promotion recipients, click here.
Black Belts:
Alex Stuart
Jitesh Patel
Ricardo Bayona
Brown Belts:
David Abou-Halaka
Cheryl Kau
Mike Everett
Purple Belts:
Bob Black
Charles Ted Simpson
Daniel Miranda
Francisco Jay Mappala
Greg Bell
Rudy Svorinich
Vincent DiCarlo
Walker Shiflet
Blue Belts:
Alex Mascola
Adrian Torres
Bret Piere
Brye Cooper
Clyde Campos
Daniel Andrade
Daniel Tang
Denis Dubrovin
Dustin Morrison
Emily Chou
Erik Navarrete
Freddy Arroyo
Gen Ki
Gilbert Raposa
Greg Wintroub
Hadi Al Meraikhi
Ivan Del Razo
Jared Hiram
Jesse Nakamura
Keith Geiger
Kim Schneeberger
Larry Ordinario
Lupita Silvestre
Mario Dubon
Mario Gomez
Michael Landoch
Michael Vrana
Nohan Antonio Cruz
Nowell Gray
Rade Curuvija
Reza Aminsalehi Jr.
Selenia Leal
Sylwester Wyrzykowski
Takeshi Hayashi
Wendy Wang