Bob Trieger
Full Court Press
Kimo\’s Resurrection In U.S.
New Era Fighting debuts in 2007 – Tryouts Dec. 16-17
SANTA ANA, California (December 5, 2006) – Combat fighting legend Kimo Leopoldo returns to the ring as the undisputed superstar of New Era Fighting, a fresh mixed martial arts fighting organization determined to drive MMA to another level of sports entertainment.
\”New Era Fighting signals the new age of real fighting,\” New Era Fighting president Ron Kort
explained. \”Picture UFC meets WWE – entertainment, drama, sexiness and violence together.
Fighting will be real but the storylines outside of the ring or cage will be scripted. What the UFC and WWE are missing is that their markets are the same. UFC fans really like some of the WWE\’s entertainment but won\’t watch it because the fighting is fake. WWE fans may enjoy the UFC\’s brutal fighting, but many aren\’t into it because a fight could last only 30 seconds and then there\’s no other entertainment value.
\”Our storylines will all be scripted towards driving interest to the next event. It\’ll be like a soap opera. The violence in the ring, though, will be real, not scripted in anyway. New Era Fighting
fighters will sign contracts so they can compete at a superior level and not fear losing their fighting careers simply for losing a fight. They will get paid win, lose or draw, allowing them to fight on instinct rather than points. We welcome fighters from all backgrounds and experience levels. We will create hall of fame street fighters based on their naturally violent instincts while providing entertainment that fans crave for. Our business model is one far more rewarding for fighters and fans than any other company. Because of our audience driven business model New Era Fighting is the best MMA and sports entertainment company in the world.\”
New Era Fighting plans to make its debut next spring in Las Vegas, showcasing Kimo in The
Resurrection. Tryouts for fighters (males 205 pounds or more, women 150 pounds or less) and female models are being held December 16-17 in Costa Mesa, California.
NEF Tryouts
Saturday, Dec. 16 (9 AM/PT-1 PM/PT)
Sunday, Dec. 17 (9 AM/PT to conclusion)
South Coast Martial Arts Facility
2990 Grace Lane
Costa Mesa, CA
For more information call 714.973.3053/714.448.999 or go on line to
The 6-2, 240-pound Kimo burst upon the MMA scene in 1994 at UFC 3, when he nearly upset
Brazilian Jiu-Jittsu legend Royce Gracie, despite having no traditional mixed-martial-arts training. Kimo beat Gracie so severely that he was unable to fight in the next match. Kimo, winning the crowd over at The Belaggio, later gave \”The Beast\” — 356-pound Bob Sapp — all he could handle in K-1 action. Leopoldo, known almost as much for his distinctive tattoos and wild entrances than fighting, in the cage has defeated such notables as wrestler \”Bam Bam\” Bigelow, Tank Abbott, Paul Verelans, and Kazushi Sakuraba.
Born in Germany and raised in Hawaii before relocating in southern California, Kimo is arguably the baddest street fighter of all-time, having fought the best in the UFC, PRIDE, Rumble on the Rock, K-1, Cage Rage and Extreme Wars.
\”New Era Fighting is a new era for me and MMA fighters,\” Kimo said. \”Based on my experience, companies like UFC are ripping off fans that don\’t even realize it because the audience in America doesn\’t have anything to compare UFC to. We will be handpicking all of our fighters, unlocking the untapped potential of fighters, to discover good fighters with character. New Era Fighting will be by the fighters, for the fighters. It is the next process of evolution, not into politics like other organizations that fall in love with certain fighters and let others go. They\’re raping fighters instead of being good to them. We\’re going to open it up to bring on the best.
\”New Era Fighting is going to be on the job training for a lot of fighters. The dojo isn\’t enough; you need to fight. I\’m the face of New Era Fighting. It\’s riding on my reputation but I\’m putting my name on the line because I believe in New Era Fighting and Ron Kort. It\’s going to be like a virgin fighting, something new that I\’m going to give my all to. I feel for fighters and I\’m doing this from the heart. When I fight, I really fight and people believe in me. Nobody wants to lose, but it\’s really all about spirit, inner essence, and more mana.
\”Some fighters with short notice may not want to jump right in at our tryouts because they aren\’t in fighting shape. I\’ll be evaluating the fighters and all we want is a 1-2 minute tryout, like sparring, not a full fight. Ron will interview everybody, fighters and models, to evaluate them in terms of their personalities for roles in our shows. New Era Fighting will be stepping up to the level of the big boys of MMA. I\’m not afraid of taking chances and none of our fighters will either.\”
For more information about New Era Fighting or the Dec. 16-17 tryouts for fighters and models call 714.973.3053/714.448.999 or go on line to