OTM 15% off Sale!

Act now on this amazing opportunity!

http://onthemat.com/xcart/customer/home.phpEnd of summer / Back to the Mat 15% off sale!

Just because summer is winding down doesn’t mean that the you should lighten up on the training! OntheMat is celebrating the end of summer with our biggest Online store sale yet: At least 15% off of all OntheMat produced videos, gear and swag! This includes our 101 Submissions, OTM video magazines, tournament footage, OTM style board shorts, t-shirts, even clearance items!

So even if you’re finding your mat time winding down with summer closing, you can get more time with OntheMat!

We’ve gone one step better with our three latest instructionals, lowering the price on each by $10! Darrel Gholar Ultimate Throws for Vale Tudo for 59.95, Tony Desouza’s Cholitzu for 49.95, The Turtle with Josh Russell for 34.95!

Sale will be good through September 12th only, so act fast!

As always, thanks for your support!

Train HardFight HardParty Hard

Scotty and Gumby


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