OTM BJJ Fighter of the Year

The performance which really solidified his position as the OTM choice for gi grappler of the year was his performance at the Copa do MundoOntheMat.com is pleased to announce our choice of BJJ Gi Fighter of the Year 2005 goes to Alexandre “Xande” Ribeiro.

It is interesting to note that in Jiu Jitsu competitions this year every competitor had his ups and downs, however no one traveled that road in 2005 more than Alexandre “Xande” Ribeiro who was one of the most active and high profile competitors on the circuit this year by far. When Xande was on, he was on fire.

Just some of the competitions and trophies Xande Riberio took to earn the OTM choice of BJJ Gi Fighter of the year, include a first place finish in the Super Heavy Division at the Pan Americans, a second place finish in the same division at the Mundials, a shared title at the Black Belt Pro Am with older brother Saulo Riberio, an impressive set of submissions to take the heavyweight and absolute titles at the San Diego Open, and a first place finish at the Rickson Gracie Budo Challenge.

The performance which really solidified his position as the OTM choice for gi grappler of the year was his performance at the Copa do Mundo (aka the “other” world championships). Xande won both his weight division and the absolute title with 8 matches total, ending five of those matches in submission. Perhaps more impressively, he defeated former Absolute Title Holders and favorites Fernando “Margarida” Pontes and Ronaldo “Jacare” Souza in back to back matches!

In addition to these stunning performances, Xande was very active without the gi as well and this may have made him the most active over all competitor in 2005 at this level. He had far more successes than not overall and went on to prove the adage about it not being how many times one falls down, it’s how many times one gets up that makes one a champion.

As mentioned earlier, “Xande” is the younger brother of jiujitsu legend Saulo Ribeiro and has certainly more than come out of his brother’s impressive shadow to build his own legend. In addition to being very active on the competition circuit, Xande teaches based out of Ohio and is gearing up for a series of seminars early in 2006.

Congratulations to Xande Ribeiro, the OTM Jiu Jitsu Gi Fighter of the Year for 2005!


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