Professor Pedro Sauer6th Degree Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Like a lot of people I see and hear the name and it is one of those names that is surrounded by others like Todd Margolis, Jeff Curran etc. So I wanted to get to know a bit more about this great instructor from Utah! So here is what Pedro Sauer and I had to talk about.
SP: First of all I would like to comment about your web site. Looks great! I am on it as I write this interview up. I like the 3-D view of the school. Is that a new site for you?
PS: Yes it is.
SP: I saw that you were a 5th degree under Rickson. What was it like to train with Rickson?
PS: I just got promoted for a 6th degree, last JUL/03, it has been 18 years since I got a black belt under Rickson and Helio Gracie. Training with Rickson was awesome, he is an excellent instructor and a super nice guy, I was very lucky.
SP: Wow congratulations that is a great achievement! How did you get involved in BJJ? Why did you train with Rickson?
PS: Rickson was my friend, we used to surf a do things together
SP: You were voted “Best of the Best Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Instructor” in a worldwide poll. I remember when that was but for those who may not remember that could you tell us about it and what it was like to get an award like that!
PS: It was luck, I believe, I had a lot of students voting for me. This gave to me a lot of responsibility, now I have to set a example, of a good instructor, not just teach Jiu Jitsu but how to honest, professional and stay out of bad comments, about me and other people. I was in Abu Dhabi with Kid Peligro for over 2 weeks and we train every day, got a chance to train with the Sheik Tahannon, it was a great experience for me.
SP: You have some other schools other than the one in Utah, where are they and who are the main instructors at the school?
PS: You got to check in my web www.pedrosauer.com, go to affiliates, we have over 40 academies now.
SP : Jeff Curran got his Black Belt back in July and he is currently fighting MMA. So do you focus on MMA allot in the school or what is your focus? Then of course there Todd Margolis is a great guy that competes everywhere what is it like to train some one that keeps you so busy? Do they keep you on your toes?
PS: We focus a lot on perfect techniques, if the guy wants to be in NHB, he can adapt to his needs, we train a lot with the GI’s. Todd is a very talented person, gifted, very nice guy. Yes but all my students keep me on my toes..
SP : Speaking of promotions, how do you promote students from one belt to another? In other words what is the process to go from a white to blue to purple etc? (Do you test each student)
PS: Yes, I like the test because I can see not just physical ability, but techniques too, this is the most important. We keep a tracking record of hours on the mat, based on this I can see when the student is ready, how many hours he has on the mat, not just how tough he is, but how technical he is.
SP: Living in Utah was it hard to get started out there? Did you find yourself getting any pressure from the religious sects?
PS: It is very hard here in Utah, The religion is fine, the Mormons families are big and they have to give a percentage to the church, and with a lot of kids, the financial is difficult here.
SP: Lets talk about “The Path” What makes it different from all the videos and books out there right now?
PS: Those videos are the requirement that I believe every person should know to be promoted. When I was in Brasil 2 months a go, a tough and talented black belt told that he learned a lot of stuff on the blue belt video requirement. Our videos are the basic fundaments that you should know, not the fence moves.
SP: How do people get in touch with you if they would like a seminar or to purchase the series?
PS: Email to me at pedro@pedrosauer.com
SP: Thanks allot for taking your time to answer these questions!!!!
PS: Sorry to be so short, I have been super busy and with 7 kids, you can imagine!
SP: No problem, I can understand 100%.