Product Review: Immovable Object Unstoppable Force Volumes 1 – 3

These are good tapes.

These are good tapes.

I have no problem recommending them.

I watched the entire 3 volume set twice before training, and what do you know, I’m doing 3 or four of the principles I saw on the volume 1. I was pushing through vectors (parallel to the length of your bones), gripping with the pinkie behind the neck, moving through three dimensions, loading a shoulder joint for a slick arm drag to the back, and this is all from the guard. Remember these tapes are about takedowns.

This material is so nuts and bolts, it’s hard to imagine a blue or purple belt not encountering similar ideas somewhere along their way to mastery, but not all at once, not nicely organized, and certainly not so elegantly demonstrated. In these tapes, guys are sent to the mat in a pile the same way you or I might snap a dishtowel.

Forget the gimmicky names for things like ‘Hyperfunction,’ ‘Quantum gripping,’ or ‘saturation of intent,’ Sonnon delivers.

“If you want your performance to go through the roof, start to tweak it using your structure not your muscle.”

AND…he shows you how to do it! “What these tapes are intended to do is increase your vision by introducing some training fundamentals that are missing.”

That’s what these tapes will do. I can’t say it any better. If you can afford it, get these tapes. A private lesson can cost $60 an hour, and you are getting 3 hours of quality material for about $120. Check it out, there are not many schools of theirs out on the West coast, ( well not many on the East either) so while you may not be able to ask questions in a classroom setting, not a lot of people are going to know what you are doing.

It’s an edge.

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About the author

Dirty Larry