In the third bout of the night, Diego Bautista faced off with a much taller John Mowry. Niether fighter hesitated to engage as they stood toe to toe for the first half of the fist round. Bautista then got a good take down and held Mowry only for a moment, both then scrambled for thier feet as the first round ended. At the start of the second round both fighters came together for a boxing contest. Mowry led with a loose left hand in an attempt to set up his right hook, Bautista had other plans. Bautista ate Mowry’s left jab but countered with a HUGE overhand right that found it’s mark on Mowrys jaw, ending the fight instantly. "I knew he was throwing his 1-2 combo, cuz he hit me with it before. So i let him land the first one and then when he went to throw it again i was like nah and threw my right" Bautista said in the post fight interview.

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