Chris “Bloodshot” Brennan wins Reto Maximo Jr. Welterweight Championship.Jose Guardado wins IKBA Jr. Welterweight Kick Boxing World Championship.
Reto Maximo VII December 11th, 2005Tangaloo Club, Tijuana, Mexico
Fight 1 – MMA Bout / 170 lbs.Marco Soto (1 – 0) Guardado’s Gym, Ensenada, MexicoJesse Soto (0 – 1) Brawley Combat Club, Brawley, CAMarco Soto wins by second round TKO (strikes from the mount) Fight 2 – MMA Bout / 150 lbs.Chance Farrar (2 – 0) Lister’s Fight Center, San Diego, CA Isaac Peralta (1 – 3) Team Bad Boy MMA, Ensenada, MexicoChance Farrar wins by first round TKO (strikes from back mount) Fight 3 – Boxing bout / 6 RD Featherweight Juan Carlos Burgos (7 – 0, 6KO) Sandoval’s Boxing Team, Tijuana, MEXJuan Pablo Bojorquez (10 – 7, 4KO) Gimnasio Pedro Moran, Tijuana, MexicoJuan Carlos Burgos wins by TKO at 1:01 of the third round Fight 4 – MMA Bout / 165 lbs.Neal Abrams (1 – 0) Dunn’s Fight Academy, Sta. Clarita, CAMichel García (4 – 2) Team Minetti, Montpellier, FranceNeal Abrams wins by second round TKO Fight 5 – Muay Thai Middleweight ITBO National Title BoutLuis Bio (1 – 0) Guardado’s Gym, Ensenada, MEXGabriel Medina (2 – 1) Pit Bull Gym, Tijuana, MEXLuis Bio wins by TKO at 1:30 of the fourth round Fight 6 – Muay Thai Light Heavyweight ITBO National Title BoutErik Osorio (3 – 2) Pit Bull Gym, Tijuana, MEXOmar Jimenez (3 – 1) Lozano’s Vale Todo, Tijuana, MEX Erik Osorio wins by TKO at 1:30 of the fifth round Fight 7 – MMA Bout / 175 lbs.Grant “Windstorm” Whitmer (2 – 0) Lister’s Fight Center, San Diego, CAGilbert Salinas (1 – 1) Riverside Submission Academy, Riverside, CAGrant Whitmer wins by first round TKO (towel) Fight 8 – Kick Boxing Jr. Welterweight IKBA World Title Bout Jose Guardado (15 – 1, 13 KO) Guardado’s Gym, Ensenada, MEXArturo “Frances” Dumaine (2 – 3, 2 KO) Kick Muay Lama, Irapuato, GuanajuatoJose Guardado wins by TKO at :30 of the fourth round Fight 9 – MMA Reto Maximo Jr. Welterweight Title BoutChris “Bloodshot” Brennan (18-9-1) Next Generation, Irving, CAShannon Ritch (33 -54) Team Valor / Cannon MMA, Coolidge, AZChris Brennan wins by first round submission (triangle/strikes)
I’d like to thank Chris and Shannon for putting on a very good and exciting fight last Sunday night in Tijuana, Mexico.
It honors me to have Chris Brennan represent my organization Reto Maximo as Jr. Welterweight Champion.Congratulations Chris and thanks for your support.
Thanks Shannon for stepping up on a week’s notice to take a shot at Chris again, permitting me to hold up my MMA main event match.
SPECIAL THANKS to all the fighters that participated in Reto Maximo VII providing a sensational night of action. My outmost respect and appreciation for your performance and sportsmanship.
Thanks to my co producer Juan Noriega; Larry Landless, Manuel Cota (ITBO), and Danny Rodarte (IKBA), as my production team in general and friends for all the support.
Thanks to all the media, Fairtex and a series of Mexican based business firms for your sponsorship.
Last but not least… to each and all the fans that attended and/or put forth positive energy for RETO MAXIMO, A VERY SPECIAL THANKS!
May everyone have a Merry Christmas a Happy New Year 2006!
SincerelyMarco Perez (Tony)Reto Maximo – Producer